How to Choose the Best Shingle for Your Lake County Roof

by | Feb 24, 2023 | Asphalt Shingle Roofing, Blog, Lake County, Roof Replacement | 0 comments

Asphalt shingle roofing is the most common and most affordable option available in Lake County, making it an excellent choice for a budget-friendly roofing option that delivers a sturdy, reliable roof. It offers a wide array of variations so homeowners are spoilt for choice, and are able to tailor their roof’s finish according to their preferences. But which type of shingle is right for you? Here’s a little information on all the shingle types we offer to help you inform your decision. After you got your asphalt shingles installed go for new gutters for your water management!

roof replacement, asphalt shingle roof, Lake County


Architectural shingles are the more sophisticated type of asphalt shingles available today. They are distinguished by their additional layer of asphalt, making the material extra durable and less likely to curl. It does demand a bigger upfront investment but is still an affordable residential roofing option relative to many other roofing alternatives.

One of the key factors distinguishing architectural shingles is its multiple layers of material. This contributes to its strength and durability. It also makes them particularly resistant to extreme winds. Homeowners love the fact that they can determine exactly what their architectural roof can look like. It allows you to bring a personal touch to the look of your home and achieve a unique look.

Three-tab shingles are well-known for their incredibly lightweight. This helps in situations where the home’s structure may not be able to bear the weight of heavier materials. The great thing though, is that it’s just light enough to ensure it won’t easily be blown off or compromised during extreme weather conditions. Installing architectural shingles is simple enough that even DIY homeowners could handle it. This ease of installation also impacts overall costs as labor requirements are less than they would be for a typical residential roofing alternative.


With asphalt shingles generally being a widely popular residential roofing material, it’s no surprise that the fiberglass variety of it is one of the most sought-after types. Fiberglass shingles are made of tough strands of glass fibers tightly woven together with a coating of asphalt granules. From its description and composition, one already gets an idea of its strength of durability.

Installing fiberglass shingles is a process that could be handled by homeowners that are adventurous enough to DIY. This ease of installation also impacts overall costs as labor requirements are less than they would be for a typical residential roofing alternative.

Organic Mat-Based

The various types of asphalt shingles all have similar compositions but are differentiated by the materials used within those compositions. In the case of organic mat-based shingles, they include a base layer of cellulose made up of wood chips, and recycled cardboard, rags, and paper. This cellulose met, or felt, is thicker than fiberglass, making it more durable.

Organic mat-based shingles’ base layer of cellulose together with the double layer of asphalt means it offers superior strength and durability. Though only offered by architectural organic shingles, homeowners love the fact that they can determine exactly what their organic shingle roof can look like. There are no restrictions on uniformity, enabling every homeowner to achieve a unique look.

roof replacement, asphalt shingle roof, Lake County


Three-tab asphalt shingles are one of the most popular options for home roofs in Lake County. With the potential cost of a new roof being quite significant, three-tab shingles provide homeowners with relief in that regard. It is perhaps the most affordable residential roofing material on the market, and it comes with some other great benefits too.

Three-tab shingles are the most affordable home roofing option for the value homeowners get in terms of the look and finish. They are well-known for their incredibly lightweight, which is a big advantage in situations where the home’s structure can’t bear the weight of heavier materials. But that lightweight is still strong enough to ensure it won’t easily be blown off or compromised during extreme weather conditions.

Ready to make the choice for your Lake County home? Cittrix Roofing is committed to providing the local community with only the best in asphalt shingle roofing in Lake County. Give us a call today, and we’ll assist you every step of the way, and our top-rated team is sure to do excellent work. Using quality materials and settling for nothing less than exceptional quality, we’re confident you’ll be thrilled with your new roof.

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