5 Facts About Cedar Roofs that Will Make You Consider Them for Your Home

by | Apr 11, 2023 | Blog, Cedar Roof Facts, Lake County, Roof Replacement | 0 comments

Cedar shakes and shingles are truly beautiful options, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any home. Depending on the style and type of cedar roofing you choose, you can give your home the feel of a rustic cottage or an elegant chalet. Either way, cedar roofing is one of the most desired types of roof – to the point where some other types of roofing try to imitate cedar to get the same look! Although often mimicked, true cedar roofing cannot be matched.

Best Cedar Roofing Contractor in Lake County

Just one look at cedar roofing and you’ll see why homeowners instantly fall in love with it. It’s stately and stunning, a worthy crown for atop any home. But a roof investment should be based on much more than good looks and that’s where cedar wood roofs really shine. Here are five reasons to consider a cedar roof


Just like the mighty tree from which they were harvested, cedar shakes and shingles are strong and long-lasting. Western red cedar is considered one of the world’s strongest wood types. As such, cedar wood roofs, when cared for properly, can last 40 years and longer, depending on your climate.


Cedar roofs offer natural thermal insulation properties, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service giving wood roofing the highest insulation value of any wood substitutes. A cedar shake roof, in particular, delivers up to five times the insulating value than other roofing materials. When it’s cold outside, a cedar wood roof provides better insulation than other types of roofing in keeping your home toasty warm and when it’s hot outside, it cools your house down. This insulating performance of cedar wood also brings down the number of your energy bills.

Weather Resistant

Weather events create conditions like moisture, high winds, and erosion that can hasten the life expectancy of a roof. But cedar wood contains natural preservatives that resist decay, moisture, fungus, and even damage from insects. The strength of cedar also makes it more resilient against strong winds, hail, and other stormy conditions.

cedar roof facts, roof replacement, Lake County


Cedar shakes and shingles can be finished to match any home exterior decor. Of course, you can always leave it in its natural honey tone, which elegantly ages to a regal silver tone. Visit our photo gallery to see examples of homes with finishes ranging from stains, coatings, and paint.

Environmentally Friendly

Cedar roofing in Lake County comes from a natural resource that is harvested in a sustainable manner and is renewable and biodegradable. As the nonprofit Cedar Shakes & Shingles Bureau points out, studies show that wood uses less energy and has a lesser impact on global warming than other building materials. In short, cedar wood is a responsible roofing material that helps us protect the environment.

Cedar Roofing Deserves Your Consideration

Whether building new or replacing an existing roof, Cittrix Roofing invites you to explore the many other benefits of cedar roofing and how they can enhance your home. When you’re ready, you can quickly and easily request a quote online. Cittrix Roofing in Lake County would consider it an honor to craft a cedar roof, especially for your home.

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